With fast, direct and transparent communication to 4 top settings.

Wir, die KMZ, sind eine mittelständische Wirtschaftsprüfungs- und Steuerberatungsgesellschaft und zählen mit über 150 Mitarbeitern am Standort Sindelfingen bei Stuttgart zu den größeren unabhängigen Kanzleien und Beratungsunternehmen Deutschlands. Mit über 40 Jahren Erfahrung betreuen und beraten unsere Wirtschaftsprüfer und Steuerberater mittelständische private und kommunale Unternehmen aller Rechtsformen, Stiftungen und Privatpersonen. Unsere Spezialisierungen liegen hierbei sowohl in der Beratung bei nationalen und internationalen Steuerfragen als auch der betriebswirtschaftlichen Beratung und der Wirtschaftsprüfung.
The complexity we face, especially in the last two to three years, is finding and recruiting quality personnel with the appropriate training and experience. Many perceive the profession as enormously time-consuming and demanding, especially in terms of the exams that must be taken. Conversely, this mindset leads to a shortage of personnel in the industry.
We also used channels such as social media, our homepage and job ads on various job portals for recruiting personnel. However, we quickly came to the conclusion that a direct approach to interesting candidates is clearly more effective. However, since we as a company do not have the personnel capacity, we decided to work with INTENTURE GROUP.
With INTENTURE GROUP we have a partner with fast, direct and transparent communication at our side. Not only did we receive numerous profiles from highly qualified candidates, but the entire recruiting process was always reliable and we arranged appointments for personal meetings with exciting candidates within a few days of the initial contact. We can proudly say that since working with INTENTURE GROUP, we have been able to attract high-quality employees to our company who are not only a perfect fit for us professionally, but also personally.

With fast, direct and transparent communication to 4 top settings.

Wie wir PKF halfen in kurzer Zeit 2 hochqualifizierte Partner zu finden.
Wie Möhrle Happ Luther durch uns innerhalb von kurzer Zeit 6 neue Kollegen einstellte.