Wie Möhrle Happ Luther durch uns innerhalb von kurzer Zeit 6 neue Kollegen einstellte.

We are a leading commercial law firm from Northern Germany with extensive and long-standing experience. Highly qualified advice and individual support in all legal, economic and tax matters not only distinguish us, but are part of our daily business. Since the beginning of 2021, we have been working successfully with the INTENTURE GROUP, which has always provided us with reliable and trustworthy support in recruiting matters.
The main problem we have as a company in recruiting is the highly competitive and diversified applicant market, which makes the efficient search for qualified candidates extremely difficult. Of course, the time factor also plays a decisive role here, because the search for top candidates with suitable profiles in particular is enormously time-intensive and consumes enormous capacities. Another factor is that an overly aggressive approach by companies on the applicant market is always playing with fire.
Thanks to the successful cooperation with INTENTURE GROUP, our acquisition process is much more effective and optimized today. In doing so, we as employees as well as the candidates were always transparently involved in the entire recruiting process. Particular emphasis was always placed on the individual needs of both parties in order to find an appropriate consensus and to ensure the best possible outcome.
Die enge Zusammenarbeit mit der INTENTURE GROUP hat uns als führende Wirtschaftskanzlei einen echten Mehrwert auf persönlicher und wirtschaftlicher Ebene geboten. Durch den reibungslosen und unkomplizierten Prozess haben wir in kürzester Zeit ausgesuchte Profile von hochqualifizierten Kandidaten für unsere Vakanzen erhalten. Innerhalb der letzten 2 Jahre haben wir somit 6 neue Mitarbeiter eingestellt und freuen uns nicht nur einen so starken Partner an unserer Seite zu haben, sondern auch auf weitere Jahre der mehr als erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit.

With fast, direct and transparent communication to 4 top settings.

Wie wir PKF halfen in kurzer Zeit 2 hochqualifizierte Partner zu finden.
Wie Möhrle Happ Luther durch uns innerhalb von kurzer Zeit 6 neue Kollegen einstellte.